
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Influence of vitamins in thyroid related illness

There is a correlation between levels of thyroid hormones and levels of specific micronutrients such as selenium, zinc, retinol, and alpha-tocopherol. Several studies are being conducted to assess the impact of vitamin intake on thyroid related problems.

Patients with thyroid disease should take supplements containing molecules with anti-oxidant properties, such as vitamin C, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10. (Vitamin C and B-complex vitamins are very important.) Induction of B1 is supposed to be the best for helping thyroid to function properly in views of some doctors. B1 is mainly found in brewer’s yeast and germinated wheat. For non-vegetarians source of this vitamin is liver part of meat.

Patients suffering from thyroid diseases mostly suffer from the following symptoms and disorders, they should take the vitamins in the form of food products or even can take pills of the mentioned vitamins on the advice of a physician.

Vitamins recommended in thyroid related diseases and symptoms

A- Kidney stone



B1-Appetite, constipation, fatigue,

B1 and B2 –skin problems

B6-Emotional disturbance, gall bladder stone.

B6 and D-Anaemia, weakness

B12-Pernicious anemia


Vitamin D deficiency and thyroid diseases

Vitamins and suppliments improve thyroid patients

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Remedial measures for Monsoon ailments

Though Monsoon brings so much of relief from the heat of summer, it makes man more succeptible to variety of illness. Diseases that are spread during monsoon may be water borne, air-borne or vector-borne.

General and specific management for the most common monsoon related diseases.


Patient must be kept at rest as warm as possible,no solid food whatever should be given, water may be given as desired.Milk is the best food if it is tolerated.(according to J..H Clark ‘The Prescriber’)

Homoeopathic management: Ver alb, Camphor, Jatropha, cupmet, ars, podo, elaterium, arg nit


Rest in bed, warmth,plenty of fluid intake, support with nourishment in a digestible form, as long as the symptoms are acute. There is a modified form of the disease, which requires care, but not necessarily either rest in bed or confinement to the house.

Homoeopathic management: ars alb, baptisia, Influenzinum, eupatorium p, gelsemium, bryonia, rhus tox

Post influenzal cough- sangunaria, sticta


The patient must fed on the lightest diet barley water, thin gruel, skim-milk. If there is much itching, sponging with vinegar and hot water (one pint in six) is agreeable.

Homoeopathic management: merc sol, bryonia, china, hepar sulph, chamomilla.


When dysentery appears make sure that water is good.If not use boiled and filtered water to drink.House must be carefully disinfected.Unripe fruit must be avoided.the diet must be confined to gruel and farinaceous food with as much as cold water as patient likes.

Homoeopathic management:merc cor, colocynth, ipecac, aloes,


General management :Try to avoid all triggering factors like dust,pollen,animal danders etc.Practise Breathing exercises.

Homoeopathic management
:nat sulph, dulcamera, kali carb, aur, china, ipecac

Rheumatic/rheumatoid complaints

Gen management: Patient should be advised to wear woolen clothes since the woolen garments retain the heat and let the perspiration escape. Presence of lactic acid in the system gives rise to most of the symptoms. So modify the dietary pattern according to that.Grain foods are the best choice. (Oats, barely, wheat etc)

Dietery restrictions include meat, take milk but sparingly, avoid sweets ,watery fruits and vegetables. Grain foods are the best choice.(oats,barely,wheat etc)

Homoeopathic management:Rhus tox, bryonia, colchicum, dulcamara, kalmia, Calc phos, kali bich.

Links and references

The prescriber-JH CLARK

Hompath /therapeutics

Administation of camphor in cholera from the book'Cure and Prevention of the Asiatic Cholera - (1831)'

Friday, June 12, 2009

Swine flu formally declared as pandemic by WHO

The world health organization announced its members nations on june 11 2009 that it was declaring a swine flu pandemic ,the first global flu epidemic in 41 years. Moreover it has decided to raise the pandemic warning level from phase 5 to phase 6 ,its highest alert after holding meeting with experts.

Swine flu- Our earlier post


Thursday, June 11, 2009

cell phone elbow

Harmful effects from mobile phones are never ending.Earlier it was repetitive strain injury from texting,then came the recall impairment and subsequent brain damge from ring tones.Now the latest menace is cellphone elbow or medically known as cubital tunnel syndome.

How it happens?

Health experts say that those who are holding the phone near the ear for a prolonged period are at a risk of developing painful condition of arm. By bending their elbow too tightly and for too long could damage the ulnar nerve.

Dr. Benson, a professor of orthopedic surgery at Northwestern University School of Medicine, explains” The more you bend it, for example when using a phone, the more it stretches. It diminishes the blood supply, and the blood is not flowing through the nerves.”


Sufferers can present with numbness and tingling from the elbow to the fingers. More than that they find it difficult to perform their day to day activities.In order to resolve this condition up to some extent, experts suggest mobile users to switch the handset from hand to hand so often.

Links and references

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Are pictorial warnings against tobacco effective?

Nowadays pictorial warnings are used by majority of the countries, since it created better awareness among tobacco users.Canada was the first country to introduce pictorial warning in 2001.Brazil implemented in the next year. Singapore introduced it in 2004. According to WHO, shocking and fear arousing pictures are the best ones for such purposes

India made it mandatory to put pictorial warning on all tobacco products from may 31.
Previous Studies
Studies conducted in various countries that have introduced pictorial warning on cigarette packets have found that they can be extremely cost effective public health measure for the government .It is shown that in Brazil 67 % of smokers wanted to quit smoking as a result of pictorial warning .In Canada nearly half the number of smokers pointed out that the warning had increased their motivation to quit .Similar response were seen from other countries too.

Advantages of pictorial warnings

They attract the attention of common man and make it difficult to ignore the harmful effects of tobacco. Smokers knew more about the health effects from smoking as a result of pictorial warning.


Monday, June 8, 2009

Utility chart for the probable diagnosis of thyroid disorders

Click on the image for larger view..............

Compiled from the study materials supplied in connection with the IHMA zonal conferences.

Friday, June 5, 2009

M.D.entrance coaching programme

Indian Homoeopathic Medical Association ( IHMA ) is conducting classes for post graduate medical entrance examinations for the year 2009- 2010

classes conducted in three centers all over kerala-thiruvananthapuram , kollam , kozhikode

  • eminent faculty- all are post graduates or lecturers in various homoeopathic colleges in kerala
  • well prepared study materials
  • all together 14 classes( sundays) and two model exams
  • very high success raste in previous years
centre - venue - date of commencement
trivandrum - IVA Hall, dharmalayam road, tvm 1 - May 24
kollam - Govt PWD Rest house, chinnakada, kollam - May 31
kozhikode - Pullians arcade, behind MCC bank, Calicut 1 - May 17

for further detalis contact

Dr.Abhilash.M - 9446072887
Dr Nidhin dev.S - 9446541238


Dr.James Tyler Kent (1849-1916)

IHMA Karunagappally pays floral tributes and salutations to the great man without whom the world of modern repertory and homoeopathic practice would have been a void.
  • "True some men do some good work without the repertory, but they also do poor work, more than they would do with it"- Dr.Kent .J.T
  • "The mechanical use of the repertory never leads to artistic prescribing nor to remarkable results" - Dr.Kent .J.T
  • Which is the best repertory ?
    The best is that which one makes oneself _ Dr.Kent .J.T

Thursday, June 4, 2009


IHMA karunagappally wishes all its members and non members to be part of the world campaign to create a better place for our children to live and to abide by this years WED slogan- Your Planet Needs You - UNite to Combat Climate Change

World Environment Day (WED) was established by the UN General Assembly in 1972 to mark the opening of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment.

Commemorated yearly on 5 June, WED is one of the principal vehicles through which the United Nations stimulates worldwide awareness of the environment and enhances political attention and action. The day's agenda is to:

1.Give a human face to environmental issues;
2.Empower people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development;
3.Promote an understanding that communities are pivotal to changing attitudes towards environmental issues;
4.Advocate partnership which will ensure all nations and peoples enjoy a safer and more prosperous future.

The theme for WED 2009 is 'Your Planet Needs You-UNite to Combat Climate Change'. It reflects the urgency for nations to agree on a new deal at the crucial climate convention meeting in Copenhagen some 180 days later in the year, and the links with overcoming poverty and improved management of forests.

This year’s host is Mexico which reflects the growing role of the Latin American country in the fight against climate change, including its growing participation in the carbon markets.

Mexico is also a leading partner in UNEP's Billion Tree Campaign. The country, with the support of its President and people, has spearheaded the pledging and planting of some 25 per cent of the trees under the campaign. Accounting for around 1.5 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, the country is demonstrating its commitment to climate change on several fronts.

Mexican President Felipe Calderon states that the WED celebration will “further underline Mexico's determination to manage natural resources and deal with the most demanding challenge of the 21st century – climate change.”

People around the world will unite for the planet on 5 June for World Environment Day 2009, with a strong call for environmental action just six months before the crucial United Nations climate change talks in Copenhagen.

This year's theme is 'Your Planet needs You! Unite to combat climate change' - a topic that reflects everyone's individual responsibility to protect the planet, as well as the urgency for nations to agree on a new climate change deal in December.

World Environment Day is truly a People's Day: it is the chance for everyone, young and old, with their community or with close friends, to show that they care for the planet.

This year's host is Mexico, reflecting the country's growing role in the fight against climate change - with its increasingly strong participation in global carbon markets, its massive tree planting campaigns and its natural resource management.

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said: "On this World Environment Day. I encourage all people to take concrete steps toward making the planet greener and cleaner. Switch off the lights. Take public transportation. Recycle. Plant a tree. Clean up your local park. Hold corporations responsible for their environmental practices. And urge your government representatives to Seal the Deal in Copenhagen."

Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, said: "I am delighted that Mexico and its people will be the 2009 global hosts of the annual United Nations celebrations on 5 June under the theme 'Your Planet Needs You! Unite to Combat Climate Change'. Mexico is among a group of nations showing real leadership on the challenges of our age - from climate change to bringing environmental goods and services into the mainstream of national and international economics."

World Environment Day is a truly global event, and as such it will be celebrated on every continent - from remote villages to sprawling capitals. Here are some of the highlights of this year's celebration.